The seller may declare the contract avoided if the failure by the buyer to perform any of his obligations under the contract or this Convention amounts to a fundamental breach of contract. 买方不履行其在合同或本公约中的任何义务,等于根本违反合同时,卖方可以宣告合同无效。
Any breach or default by the contractor Shali be construed as a fundamental breach of this contract which would entitle the employer to terminate the employment of the Contractor pursuant to the conditions of contract. 承包商任何违约及过失均视为违反本合同,雇主有权依照《合同条件》的规定终止与承包商终止雇佣关系。
On Fundamental Breach of Contract Preliminary Discussion on Employment Discrimination 论根本性违约就业歧视初探
On the Composing Elements and Legal Consequences of the Fundamental Breach of Contract 根本违约的构成要件及法律后果
On the Review Standard of Fundamental Breach of Contract 根本违约判定标准功能之回归研究&兼评我国合同法相关规定之不足
The system of fundamental breach of contract is the important contract system in international trade, in status of the foundation stone in "United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods". 根本违约制度是国际贸易中重要的合同制度,在《联合国货物销售合同公约》中处于基石地位。
On Fundamental Breach of Contract 论根本性违约
Fundamental breach of contract is established as a system in order to restrict the non-breach of contract excessively making use of the power of rescinding the contract. 根本违约制度设立的目的在于限制非违约方滥用解除合同的权利。
It produces the legal consequences of two respects to commit a fundamental breach: The non-delinquent party has the right to choose the rescission of the contract; 根本违约产生两方面的法律后果:非违约方有权选择解除合同;
The formal value of fundamental breach of contract lies in its restriction of the right of contract rescission. The substantial significance lies in balancing of the interests between the defaulting party and non-defaulting party. 根本违约规则的形式价值在于限制合同解除权,实质意义在于平衡违约方与非违约方之间的利益及社会利益。
Fundamental breach of contract as a legal system, originated in the Common laws. 根本违约发端于英国普通法。
This part introduces the legislation and theory of the domestic and other countries, analyses the fundamental relationship between lawyer and client, and deduces that in different condition the civil liability of lawyering maybe liability of culpa in contrahendo, liability of breach of contract or tortuous liability. 该部分在介绍国内外立法与学说的基础上,分析了律师与委托人的基础法律关系,认为律师民事责任包括三种类型:缔约过失责任;
The fundamental breach of contract is an important system of west contract law, although this concept is not adopted directly by China Contract Law, its substantial contents have been embodied in some systems which are related to the right to rescind a contract. 根本性违约是西方合同法中的一项重要制度,中国合同法虽未直接采用根本性违约这一概念,但其实质性内容已体现在合同解除权等相关制度上。
The paper historically describes its comparison with contract breach and exposes its constitutive requirements, legalization standards, legal consequence and its value, and on the basis the paper analyzes fundamental breach of contract in Contract Law of China. 本论文从根本违约的历史沿革和比较法考察入手,对其判定标准、法律效果、法律价值进行了深入分析,并在此基础上对我国合同法中根本违约制度进行评析。
Fundamental breach is a law system which stems from Common Law of England. Now it has developed to be an important rule of modern contract law system after it was accepted by American law, Continental Law and some international conventions. 根本违约是发端于英国普通法的一种制度,它相继被美国法和大陆法所采纳,并被重要的国际公约所吸收,已经成为现代合同法的一项重要制度。
Part V analyzes fundamental breach of contract under Contract Law of China. 第五部分,中国合同法根本违约制度评析。
The key of correct and rational applicability of contract legal right of cancellation is to accurate grasp the fact of fundamental extent of breach of contract. 合同法定解除权之正确、合理适用,关键在于准确把握根本违约的程度。
Appearance: In order to overcome the insufficient of the index signs in the past, such three kinds of index signs are selected. Through comparative investigation, varied forms of "fundamental breach of contract" are the main reasons; 形态:通过研究,指出根本违约的各种形态是合同解除的主要原因;
The Contract Law of China adopted two institutions which are peculiar in the system of Anglo-American law: fundamental breach of contract and anticipatory breach of contract and established a perfect system of the lawful rescission of contract. 我国统一合同法吸收了英美法系特有的根本违约制度和预期违约制度,建立了比较完善的合同法定解除制度。
Our country "contract law" can not say that the introduction of fundamental breach of contract is a complete and comprehensive law introduced the concept, but a tentative to introduce. 我国《合同法》对根本违约的引入不能说是一个完整全面的法律概念引入,而是一种试探性的引入。
Form of division of non-compliance is to establish the premise of the breach of contract and fundamental breach of contract is not just assume liability for breach of contract. 违约形态的划分是确立违约责任的前提,而根本违约不仅仅只是承担违约责任的方式。
The purpose of concluding the contract to become a bridge between fundamental breach and the termination of the contract, it also determines the inevitable joint. 缔结合同的目的成为根本违约与合同解除之间的桥梁,它也决定了二者的必然联合。
From the terms 'criteria to the criteria of consequentialism, and then to the United Nations International Sale of Goods Convention on Contracts for the multiple limits, constitutes a fundamental breach of contract has always been the focus of academic research. 从条款主义判断标准到结果主义判断标准,再到以《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》为代表的多重限制标准,根本违约的构成始终是学界研究的焦点问题。
A fundamental breach of contract may occur during the performance of the voyage charter party. 在航次租船合同的履行过程中,可能会出现一方违约的情形。
Fundamental breach of contract system is in fact a private right, remedy, and its core is the conclusion of the contract, in what conditions or circumstances "fundamental breach" can be established. 根本违约制度实际上是一种私权利的救济手段,其核心在于合同缔结后,在何种条件或者情况下根本违约能够成立。
Fundamental breach of contract and the relationship between the termination of the contract can be defined as: the cause and be caused to restrict and limit. 根本违约与合同解除之间的关系可以定义为:引起与被引起、限制与被限制。
Although the application of the law, the division of breach of contract form in the liability for breach of contract establishment and by their praises, but still beyond the reach of a fundamental breach of contract happens can make up for these shortcomings. 虽然在法律适用中,划分违约形态在违约责任的确立和划分等方面有其出色之处,但仍有其可望而不可及之处,根本违约恰好可以弥补这些缺点。
The fourth part mainly discuss on the system of fundamental breach of contract of the different evaluation with "contract law of PRC" perfect question. 第四部分主要探讨对根本违约制度的不同评价与《中华人民共和国合同法》的完善问题。
The first part is an overview of the fundamental breach of contract system. 第一部分是根本违约制度的概述。
After further analysis, we can find: In the event of default, to achieve the degree of fundamental breach must cause the lifting of the contract, but not to the extent that the breach does not necessarily lead to the termination of the contract. 进一步分析后,我们可以发现:在违约的情况下,达到根本违约程度必然引起合同的解除,而未达到这一程度的违约行为并不必然引起合同解除。